The USEtox® model was first published in 2008 as part of a collaborative effort under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Its development was driven by the need for a scientific consensus-based tool to evaluate the toxicological impacts of chemicals in life cycle assessments (LCAs). Building on contributions from leading modeling experts USEtox® integrated scientific advancements in chemical fate modelling, exposure assessment, and toxicity characterization. Over the years, it has undergone continuous refinement and expansion, incorporating new methodologies, emerging chemical data, and updated scientific knowledge. To support the distribution, education, and on-going advancement of the USEtox® model, the DTU USEtox Research Centre was established in 2016. Throughout the history of USEtox® and the DTU USEtox research centre, DTU researchers have been strongly involved, either as members of the USEtox® team or via the centre-related research projects facilitating the development of the model.
2002: Life Cycle Initiative was launched jointly by UNEP and SETAC.
2003: The Task Force on Toxic Impacts (TFTI) was established under the LCIA component of the Life Cycle Initiative with the objectives to (1) recommend practices for characterization modelling of ecotoxicity, human toxicity, and related categories with direct effects on ecosystem and human health; (2) harmonize existing models; (3) recommend a characterization model or models and characterization factors for many substances; and (4) provide guidance on the use of characterization factors.
2006: The TFTI organized a series of expert workshops involving the model developers to review seven existing models (CalTOX, IMPACT2002, USES-LCA, BETR, EDIP97, WATSON, EcoSense) to determine how the fate and characterization factors, model structure, and key sensitivities differed, focusing in particular on differences in results for exposure, human health impacts, and ecotoxicological effects. Four models (CalTOX, IMPACT2002, USES-LCA and EDIP97) were further assessed in a more detailed model comparison which provided the basis for developing the scientific consensus model USEtox® (UNEP-SETAC toxicity model).
2008: Scientific publication of the USEtox® model and the scientific consensus building process
2010: Official launch of USEtox® 1.0 and its characterization factors by the USEtox® team
2011-2015: USEtox® is endorsed by the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative and recommended or used by the European Commission and its Joint Research Centre, the United Stated Environmental Protectin Agency, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
2013: The official USEtox® model website is created that provides access to the model and its characterization factors.
2015: Official launch of USEtox® 2.0
2016: The DTU USEtox Research Centre is created to foster USEtox® related research at DTU in collaboration with the USEtox® team.
2019-2022: The DTU USEtox Research Centre collaborates with University of Michigan and UNEP under SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management) to develop models for near-field exposure to chemicals in consumer products.